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Budgeting and Accounting

Category View: Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Introduction to Budgeting for Public Health Laboratories

Introduction to budgeting title logo

Budgeting and fiscal management are challenges to all laboratory supervisors, both new and not so new. Gone are the days when the laboratory received a significant amount of its funding from a single source. Today, government laboratories have numerous funding streams, including appropriated state or local revenue, direct federal funding, indirect federal funding (through other departmental grant recipients), fees or other earned income and third party reimbursement such as Medicaid. The...

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Grant Writing

Close-up of hands using a pen to write on paper

The University of Iowa College of Public Health's Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center (UMPHTC), in cooperation with the Iowa Counties Public Health Association (ICPHA), has developed a series of practiced-based educational programs targeted toward new public health administrators and nursing administrators. The programs are part of the Institute's continuing effort to provide training to strengthen the skills and knowledge of the current public health workforce.


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Financial Management

Image of a penny rolling along the line of a graph

The University of Iowa College of Public Health's Institute for Public Health Practice, in cooperation with the Iowa Association of Local Public Health Agencies (I-ALPHA), has developed a series of practiced-based educational programs targeted toward new public health administrators and nursing administrators. The programs are part of the Institute's continuing effort to provide training to strengthen the skills and knowledge of the current public health workforce.

Intended Audience...

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