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Rural Health

Category View: Displaying 11 - 13 of 13

Occupational Skin Disorders in Agriculture

Picture of person scratching a red area on neck with course title overlay

The goal of this course is for rural health and safety professionals to be able to identify common skin diseases in agricultural settings and recognize potential worker health effects associated with these hazards, and apply controls to prevent injury and illness in agricultural workplace.  

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 60 minutes depending on the...

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Occupational Diseases of the Lung in Agricultural Settings

Farmer in tractor dumping grain with a front loader

The goal of this course is for rural health and safety professionals to be able to identify occupational diseases of the lungs in agricultural settings and recognize potential worker health effects associated with these hazards, and apply controls to prevent injury and illness in agricultural workplace.  

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 60 minutes...

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Physical Agents for Agricultural Health

Young farmer standing in a field being combine harvested behind him.

The goal of this course is for rural health and safety professionals to be able to identify hazards in the agricultural environment recognize potential worker health effects associated with these hazards, and apply controls to prevent injury and illness in agricultural workplace.  

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 60 minutes depending on the individual...

More About This Course
