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Category View: Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

Biosecurity for Clinical Laboratories

Biosecurity for Clinical Laboratories course title on an orange background fade of a laboratory testing bench.

There are several sections in this course:

  1. Biosecurity and Biosafety
  2. Risk Assessments and the AMP Model
  3. AMP: Assessment
  4. AMP: Mitigation
  5. AMP: Performance
  6. Developing a Biosecurity Plan
  7. Quiz


This course includes several interactions designed to underscore concepts discussed in the course, two downloadable risk assessment templates and laboratory guidance from APHL on specimen storage...

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Electronic BT Workshop for Sentinel Labs

An open biosafety cabinet with puzzle pieces showing infectious diseases moving towards it.

The course consists of a Virtual Bioterrorism Workshop. In this interactive workshop you will determine whether to rule out or refer several organisms that are considered potential agents of bioterrorism by applying Laboratory Response Network protocols for Level A (sentinel) laboratories. When a possible agent of bioterrorism cannot be ruled out, you will view a video describing the clinical presentation and etiology of the agent.

Intended Audience

Laboratorians who handle...

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The Role of Sentinel Labs in Emergency Response

Lab worker looking at a computer monitor

There are five sections in this course:

  • Section 1: The National Laboratory Response Network
  • Section 2: Basic and Advanced Sentinel Laboratories
  • Section 3: Role of Public Health Labs in Emergency Response
  • Section 4: Role of Sentinel Laboratories in a Bioterrorism Event
  • Section 5: Role of Sentinel Laboratories in a Chemical Event

Modules 1 through 3 contain "pop quizzes" to assist you in understanding and...

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Biosafety: Avoiding Lab Acquired Infections (LAI)

Collage of laboratory equipment and biohazard signage

There are four sections in this course:

  • Section 1: Background
  • Section 2: BSLs and Use of Equipment for Your Safety
  • Section 3: Pathogens of Risk
  • Section 4: Building Safety into Laboratory Practice

There are review questions at the end of each section. These review questions will provide you with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills presented in these sections. There is a post-test at the end of the course. 


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